Melissa A Booker;; Kim O'Connor, Melissa A. Booker

San Clemente Island (SCI) is part of the Navy’s Southern California Range Complex, the most heavily used range complex in the eastern Pacific and only continental US range supporting ship to shore, air to ground, and ground troop training. It hosts Endangered Species Act (ESA) listed taxa, candidate agreement taxa, and rare endemics. In 2023, the Navy achieved the largest delisting in ESA history. The SCI lotus, SCI paintbrush, SCI larkspur, SCI bush-mallow, and San Clemente Bell’s Sparrow, listed in 1977, were delisted on the 50th anniversary of ESA. Bell’s Sparrow is one of nine birds delisted due to recovery in the Continental US and only 10 plants had been delisted due to recovery before 2023. Adaptive monitoring documented recovery and supported Species Status Assessments, a critical step in delisting. This achievement demonstrates proactive management of robust populations is the effective way to manage species on DoD lands. The Navy will continue monitoring through the Post Delisting Monitoring Plan period and management under a pending Delisting Conservation Agreement, providing continued protection without ESA process constraints. SCI has increased military training while delisting multiple species providing a blueprint for conservation success on military lands.

Military Lands - I