Hal Holland; Westervelt Ecological Services; hholland@westervelt.com;

Mitigation properties are often reviewed and quantified by the acreage of mitigation they provide to offset permit impacts. However, there is a much broader contribution to the ecological landscape than what meets the regulatory eye. Properties are often selected and approved based upon their proximity to other conservation lands, connection with other natural landscapes, and the robust quality of the habitat on site. What’s more, the abundance of other native species typically falls below the radar, hidden from public perception. A review of the over 3,600 acres of habitat identified, secured, and conserved by Westervelt under contract with California High Speed Rail reflects a broad assemblage of flora and fauna, ranging from special status species, to common species beyond the scope of the regulatory permits. This presentation will review the process for lands identification and acquisition, and the years of monitoring that reveals the richness of these conserved landscapes.

Transportation Projects and Wildlife Interactions II