TWS-WS Transactions Portal

Transactions of the Western Section of the Wildlife Society

Transactions - 1973

VolumeArticleTitleFirst Author
91Inventory of Golden Eagle Nests in Elko County, Nevada Jerry L. Page
92Fish Population and Yield Estimates from California Trout StreamsEric R. Gerstung
93Raptor Rehabilitation at the Alexander Junior MuseumJim Wisecarver
94The Cache Creek Tule Elk RangeGary J. Ferrier
95Habitat Use by Mourning Doves in Northern NevadaKeith I. Giezentanner
96Protected Waterways and Wild and Scenic RiversG. E. Delisle
97Movements of Roosevelt ElkH. Stevan Logsdon
98North Kings Fawn Production and Survival: A Progress ReportHal Salwasser
99California Bighorn Sheep Reintroduction to the Charles Sheldon Antelope RangeJack L. Richardson
910Recent Changes in the Fish Fauna of the San Joaquin River SystemPeter B. Moyle
911A Challenge of Accepted Concepts Involving Catch Per Unit of Effort DataJohn Radovich
912The California Condor: A Cooperative Approach to Endangered Species PreservationW. Dean Carrier
913Rise and Fall of the Market Crab IndustryW. A. Dahlstrom
914Effects of artificially Reduced Streamflow on a Small Steel Head StreamDon Erman
915King Range National Conservation Area Aquatic InventoryNeil B. Armantrout
916Snags, Chainsaws and Wildlife: One Aspect of Habitat ManagementRobert M. Gale
917The Human Environment -or- Who Needs EcologyRichard S. Croker
918Waterfowl observations While Canoeing Canada's Mackenzie RiverJohn B. Cowan
919The Role of the California Coastal Zone Conservation Commission in Protecting the California CoastThomas A. Crandall
920The Emerging Australian Environmental ProgramJack C. Fraser
921Land Development and Fish and Wildlife ProtectionEric R. Gerstung

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