TWS-WS Transactions Portal

Transactions of the Western Section of the Wildlife Society

Transactions - 1977

VolumeArticleTitleFirst Author
131The Relationship between Doe Conditions and Fetal Growth in Mule DeerStephen A. Holl
132An Alternative Approach for Developing Intake Velocity Design CriteriaC. H. Hanson
133Investigations of Waterfowl Lead Poisoning in CaliforniaKen Moore
134Significance of Microhabitat Selection for Fishes in a Sierra Foothill StreamD. W. Alley
135Water Management in a Commercial Shellfish HatcheryRichard A. Eissinger
136Status of the Sea Otter Population in California and Potential Management of Otter and Shellfish ResourcesDaniel J. Miller
137Game/non-gamefish Relationships in the Streams of the Clear Lake BasinThomas L. Taylor
138Status of the Genus Tilapia in California's Estuarine and Marine WatersEric H. Knaggs
139Proposed Management of Aspen Habitat in Northern NevadaG. L. Schenbeck
1310Goshute Creek Habitat Improvement for an Endangered Subspecies of Cutthroat TroutWayne D. Logan
1311Potential Western Grebe Extinction on California LakesJ. L. Feerer
1312Fate of 14c-Benzene (An Aromatic Hydrocarbon of Crude Oil) in a Simple food Chain of Rotifers and Pacific erring LarvaeMaxwell B. Eldridge
1313Nesting on Water Bank Lands in Merced CountyRandall L. Gray
1314Pollution Related Alteration of Southern California Demersal Fish CommunitiesJames Allen
1315Status of the California Desert Prairie Falcon PopulationDouglas A. Boyce
1316Analysis of the Clear Lake Commercial Fishery using Different Surplus Yield ModelsHiram Li
1317Some Potential Uses of Industrial Waste Water in Fish CultureScott L. Hennessy
1318Development of High Density Culture Techniques for Lobsters and Other CrustaceansJames M. Carlberg
1319Wildlife Managers and Land UseWayne Long
1320The Engines of Public OpinionJohn Madson
1321Wildlife 2000 - It's Happening in the Classroom Right NowRudy Schafer

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