TWS-WS Transactions Portal

Transactions of the Western Section of the Wildlife Society

Transactions - 1978

VolumeArticleTitleFirst Author
141Drought Impacts on Fish, Wildlife, and Recreation in Northern CaliforniaRalph N. Hinton
142Impacts of the 1976-77 Drought on the Northern Nevada FisheriesPatrick Coffin
143Experimental Culture of the Giant Malaysian PrawnRobert E. L. Taylor
144Restoration Status of the Cui-cuiGary M. Sonnevil
145Snags, Wildlife, and Forest Management in the Sierra NevadaMartin G. Raphael
146Management of Black Bears and Humans in Yosemite National ParkDavid Graber
147A Simulation Model for Management of Black Bear Problems in Sequoia National ParkMichael E. Walraven
148Food Habits of the River Otter in Suisun Marsh, Central CaliforniaWilliam E. Grenfell
149Capturing and Translocating Tule ElkWilliam E. Clark
1410Ecology and Management of Ground Squirrels in North-Central NevadaStephen H. Jenkins
1411Livestock Interactions with Fish and Their Environments A Symposium SummaryWilliam S. Platts
1412Livestock Interactions with Upland Game, Nongame, and Waterfowl in the Great Basin: A Workshop SynopsisWilliam A. Molini
1413Washington's Salmon Management After Recent Court Decisions on Indian Rights Duane E. Phinney
1414An Indian Perspective of Anadromous Fisheries ManagementPhilip B. Roger
1415A Biological Assessment of Largemouth Bass Tournaments in Southern NevadaRobert C. Allan
1416Migratory Behavior of Lahonton Cutthroat Trout (Salmo clarki henshawi) Utilizing Radio TelemetryRandy Bailey
1417Wildlife and Land Development: A Unique and Positive Approach to Multiple Use Land DevelopmentAlan Epperson
1418Wildlife Habitat Assessment at the Geysers Geothermal FieldJanet F. Hurley
1419The Influence of Livestock Grazing on Non-Game WildlifeJerry L. Page
1420Mountain Lion Predation on Livestock in CaliforniaLarry W. Sitton
1421Wild Pig Management on a California Public Hunting AreaTerry M. Mansfield
1422The Gray lodge Wildlife Area: History and Notes on Wildlife Populations, 1931-1978John B. Cowan
1423Investigations of Waterfowl Lead Poisoning in CaliforniaKen C. Moore
1424Steel Shot: Recent Developments and Gaining an UnderstandingTom Roster
1425Biology of Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdneri), Brown Trout (S. trutta) and Interior Dolly Varden (Salvelinus confluentus) in the McCloud River, California, in Relation to ManagementJames A. Sturgess
1426Wildlife Problems in Urban AreasJack K. Traub
1427Indian Fishing Rights: Where Are We - How Did We Get Here - and Where Are We Going?Bob Azevedo
1428Cattle Grazing on the Great Basin Deer Winter RangeDonald L. Neal

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