TWS-WS Transactions Portal

Transactions of the Western Section of the Wildlife Society

Transactions - 1979

VolumeArticleTitleFirst Author
151Some Aspects of Pronghorn Ecology and Management in Northeastern CaliforniaHal Salwasser
152Capture and Radio Telemetry of Desert Bighorn SheepDavid W. Stevens
153Western Gray Squirrel Studies at the Geysers-Calistoga Known Geothermal Resource AreaDaniel J. Hall
154The Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse (Reithrodontonys raviventris haliceotes) and the Montezuma Power Plant SiteH. S . Shellhammer
155Sea Otter (Enhydra lutris) Activities within the Vicinity of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, 1973-1978Suzanne V. Benech
156California's Freshwater Environmental ProblemsRobert B. Haussler
157Evaluation of the Effects of Different Streamflow Releases on Trout Habitat Below Hydroelectric Diversion Dams: Two Case StudiesPaul F. Kubicek
158Assessing the Impact of Power Plants on Striped Bass (Morone Saxatilis) in the Sacramento-San Joaquin DeltaSamuel R. Casne
159Impacts and Opportunities for Aquatic Biota Associated with Energy Development in NevadaDavid L. Koch
1510Geothermal Energy and the EnvironmentRichard T. Forester
1511Effects of Livestock Grazing on WildlifeSteve Gallizioli
1512Effects of Overgrazing on the Lizards of Five Upper and Lower Sonoran Habitat TypesK. Bruce Jones
1513Fire Dynamics in ChaparralC.W. Philpot
1514Post Fire Reptile SuccessionMarie A. Simovich
1515Effects of Fire on Birds in ChaparralWilliam O. Wirtz
1516Effects of Fire on Small Mammals in the ChaparralRonald D. Quinn
1517A Decision Maker's Point of View on Fire in ChaparralAllan J. West
1518Comparison of Avian and Mice populations in an Introduced Eucalyptus Grove versus Native Costal CommunitiesMichael T. Hanson
1519Techniques for Conducting Terrestrial Habitat Survey in East-Central NevadaScott R. Robinson
1520The Marianas Fruit Bat: Management History, Currently Status and Future PlansMichael E. Wheeler
1521A Radio Telemetry Study of Fishers in Northwestern CaliforniaSlader Buck
1522The Blunt-nosed Leopard Lizard Hybrid in Ballinger CanyonMonty E. Montagne
1523Effects of Fire on Deer in ChaparralG. C. Ashcraft
1524Bureau of Land Management Wildlife Policy and Practice - 1975 James B. Ruch

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