TWS-WS Transactions Portal

Transactions of the Western Section of the Wildlife Society

Transactions - 1982

VolumeArticleTitleFirst Author
181Evaluating Management Alternatives for the Santa Lucia Deer Herd in Monterey County, CaliforniaTerry M. Mansfield
182Growth and Population Structure of the Mohave ChubMichael Havelka
183A Nematode Infection in the Northern Anchovy from San Francisco Bay William Eaton
184The California Wildlife/Fish Habitat Relationships SystemWilliam E. Grenfell
185California's Wildlife Information System and its Application to Resource DecisionsHal Salwasser
186Fish and Wildlife Habitat Capability Models and Special Habitat CriteriaJanet F. Hurley
187California Natural Diversity Data BaseBlair Csuti
188An Inventory System for Assessing Wildlife Habitat Relationships in ForestsMark Dedon
189Management Problems Associated with the Recovery Plan for the Salt Harvest Mouse and California Clapper RailHoward S. Shellhammer
1810Volunteers and Wildlife Habitat Management: Twelve Years TogetherVernon C. Bleich
1811Habitat Management to Control Ground Squirrel PopulationsWilliam Klitz
1812Infa-red Aerial Mapping of Potential Black-Footed Farret Habitat in WyomingJim Bredy
1813The Angel Island Deer Herd: A Case History of Wildlife Management ControversyAudrey E. Goldsmith
1814Why Wildlife and Fisheries Biologists aren't Treated Like DoctorsJud Monroe
1815Making Professional DecisionsLee Fitzhugh
1816The Professional Natural Resource Manager: Training the UniversityReginald H. Barrett
1817Retreading Natural Resource Managers to Cope with the "Kingdom of Kind"Jon K. Hooper
1818The National Estuarine Sanctuary Program and Research Opprotunities at Elkhorn SloughKen C. Moore

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