TWS-WS Transactions Portal

Transactions of the Western Section of the Wildlife Society

Transactions - 1988

VolumeArticleTitleFirst Author
241Californias' Attitudes Toward and Use of Fish and Wildlife ResourcesJon K. Hooper
242Endangered Species Management: A Single Species Approach to the Loss of Biological Diversity?Kent A. Smith
243Alternative Views of Reserve Design for Wildlife ManagersCharles Van Riper III
244Population Monitoring: An Essential Link Between Theoretical and Applied Conservation BiologyJared Verner
245Management of Feral and Exotic Game Species on GuamPaul J. Conry
246Demise of an Insular Avifauna: The Brown Tree Snake on GuamJohn Engbring
247Management of Fruit Bats on YAP, Caroline Islands: Past and Future ChallengesMarjorie C. Falanruw
248Alien Plants and Their Management in Hawaii Volcanoes National ParkLinda W. Cuddihy
249Removing Feral Pigs from Annadel State ParkReginald H. Barrett
2410Status of Black-tailed Deer on KauaiThomas C. Telfer
2411Habitat Fragmentation and Mule Deer Migration Corridors: A Need for EvaluationThomas E. Kucera
2412Current Multiresource Inventory Data: Implications for ManagementJeanine M. Branam
2413Restoring Critical Habitat for Hawaii's Endangered Palila By Reducing Ungluate PopulationsPaul G. Scowcroft
2414Reforestation Research in Hakalau Forest National Wildlife RefugeC. Eugene Conrad
2415Watershed Management and Forestry in Upcountry Maui, HawaiiRobin S. Vora
2416Leucena Research for Hawaiian Forest and Rangeland ApplicationsRobert A. Wheeler
2417Breeding Biology of the California Clapper Rail in South San Francisco BayThomas E. Harvey
2418Livestock Management and Productivity of Willow Flycatchers in the Central Sierra NevadaBradley E. Valentine
2419Breeding Bird SurveysLaudenslayer
2420Evaluating Avian-Habitat Relationships in Red Fir Forests of the Sierra NevadaSallie J. Hejl
2421Humans, Bears and Redwoods: A need for Applied EnvironmentalismGegory A. Giusti
2422Coordinated Resource Management Planning in the Clear Creek Area of Central CaliforniaScott R. Florence
2423Habitat Sustainability Rating For Wild Hourses and Burros in NevadaDonald J. Armentrout
2424Social Demands, Political Compromise, and Biological Realities: Are We Meeting the Challenge?W. Dean Carrier

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