TWS-WS Transactions Portal

Transactions of the Western Section of the Wildlife Society

Transactions - 1997

VolumeArticleTitleFirst Author
331Use of Echolocation Calls for the Identification of Free-Flying BatsMichael J. O'Farrell
332Diet of Coyotes at Lemoore Naval Air StationAmy J. Kuenzi
333Use of Night-Vision Goggles, Light-Tags, and Fluorescent Powder for Measuring Microhabitat Use of Nocturnal Small MammalsRoberta J. Fargo
334Site Tenacity and Dispersal of Least Bell's VireosJim Greaves
335Bird Mortality at Rotor Swept Area Equivalents, Altamont Pass and Montezuma Hills, CaliforniaJudd A. Howell
336Characteristics of Nest Trees and Nest Sites of California Spotted Owl in Coniferous Forests of the Southern Sierra NevadaGeorge N. Steger
337Monitoring Bank Swallow Populations on the Sacramento River: a Decade of DeclineRonald W. Schlorff
338Kauai's Endangered Solitaires: Update on Population Status and Distribution 1996Michelle H. Reynolds
339A Hierarchical Strategy for Sampling Herpetofaunal Assemblages Along Small Streams in the Western U.S., with an Example From Northern CaliforniaHartwell H. Welsh
3310The Use of Plywood Coverboards to Sample Herpetofauna in a California Oak WoodlandWilliam D. Tietje
3311A Method for Reducing Mortalities in Pitfall TrapsNina Kogut
3312Biology of the California Red-Legged Frog: A SynopsisDavid Cook
3313Recent Advances and Applications of the California Wildlife Habitat Relationships SystemsKevin W. Hunting
3314Animal Burrowing in the Waste Management Zone of Hanford Nuclear ReservationK. Shawn Smallwood

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