TWS-WS Transactions Portal

Transactions of the Western Section of the Wildlife Society

Transactions - 1998

VolumeArticleTitleFirst Author
341Avian Habitat Use and Flight Behavior in Relation to Bird-Aircraft Strikes in Western U.S. Agricultural LandsAmy J. Kuenzi
342Effects of Subdividing Private Property on Biodiversity in California's North Coast Oak WoodlandsAdina M. Merenlender
343Initial Response of Woodrats to Prescribed Burning in Oak WoodlandJustin K. Vreeland
344Patterns of Black Bear AbundanceK. Shawn Smallwood
345A Discussion of the Development of the Nevada Chapter of the Wildlife Society Position Statement "Influence of Fire on Wildlife Habitat in the Great Basin", August 1998James D. Yoakum
346Influence of Fire on Wildlife Habitat in the Great Basin: A Position Statement By the Nevada Chapter-The Wildlife Society, August 16, 1998James D. Yoakum

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