TWSWS Abstracts Portal

Wednesday 1:00 PM

SessionNatural History of Birds INatural History of LizardsTransportation Projects and Wildlife Interactions IWildlife and Agriculture IRestoring/Monitoring Wildlife Populations and Habitats 1
RoomCharter Oak ABECharter Oak CDSan Joaquin ABSan Joaquin CDSequoia-Upstairs
Wednesday 1:00 PMIntroductions and AnnouncementsIntroductions and AnnouncementsIntroductions and AnnouncementsIntroductions and AnnouncementsIntroductions and Announcements
Wednesday 1:05 PM

The importance of oyster shells in the breeding success of the Western Snowy Plover

David Riensche

Beyond the CDFW Protocol: Late Season Observations of a Blunt-nosed Leopard Lizard (Gambelia sila) Until Overwintering

Randi McCormick

Planning Wildlife Crossings at the State Scale Using Spatially Explicit Decision Support

Fraser Shilling

On the important of agriculture for the conservation of wildlife

Matthew Johnson

Where to begin? Approaching a large scale wildlife inventory across one of the largest private ranches in California

Rob Schell
Wednesday 1:25 PM

The 2025 Purple Martin Statewide Survey and Status Assessment in California

Daniel Airola

Automated telemetry provides insights into natural history and conservation of the blunt-nosed leopard lizard

Steven Hromada

Median Treatment May Impact Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions on California Highways

Ben Hodgson

Effects of vegetation on the behavior of hunting barn owls (Tyto furcata) and their prey

Jadzia Rodriguez
Student Paper

Effects of migratory behavior on connectivity and population structure of black-tailed deer in northern California

Andrea Broad
Student Paper
Wednesday 1:45 PM

Urbanization and bird health: H/L ratios and parasite prevalence in California finches

Xue Her
Student Paper

Blunt-nosed Leopard Lizards (Gambelia sila) have the capacity for greater seasonal activity than commonly assumed.

Steven Sharp
Student Paper

Lessons Learned from Fifteen Years of WVC reporting on the California Roadkill Observation System (CROS)

David Waetjen

Examining the effects of songbird nest boxes and land use on avian community composition and functional diversity in Napa Valley vineyards

Eleanor MacDonald
Student Paper

Examining the Influence of Environmental Factors that Contribute to the Success of Translocated Bighorn Sheep

Sean McCain
Student Paper
Wednesday 2:05 PM

Natural History of Southwestern Willow Flycatchers on the Owens River, CA

Mary Whitfield

Natural History and Current Taxonomy of the Genus Anniella

Victoria Prado

Estimating Total Roadkill Rate for a US State

Alice Michel

Avian biodiversity in central California Vineyards

Lindsay Peria
Student Paper

How Do Environmental Cues Influence Daily Movement of Pronghorn in Southeast Oregon?

Jerrod Merrell
Wednesday 2:25 PM

Cavity Structures for Nesting Purple Martins: An Innovative Design

Karine Tokatlian

Small, young, and elusive: Captive rearing reveals the early life of Blunt-nosed Leopard Lizards

Rory Telemeco

Unbroken from Canada to Mexico: Is Interstate 5 a Continental Barrier to Wildlife?

Laura Morris
Student Paper

The use of social information for prospecting and nest site selection by Western Bluebirds (Sialia mexicana)

Fatime Jomaa
Student Paper

Spatial and temporal effects of wildfire disturbance on mammal habitat use in fire-adapted California ecosystems

Erin Weiner
Wednesday 2:45 PM

Sex-based habitat segregation in a breeding population of the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus)

William Haas

The Lizard King of the San Joaquin Desert: The yellow-backed spiny lizard in Central California

Michael Westphal

Why did the bobcat cross the road? Urban bobcat behavior and roadkill mitigation strategies

Margaret Mercer
Student Paper

Grazed to the Ground: How Invasive Ungulates Threaten Ranchlands and Ecosystems

Lauren Katayama
Student Paper

An Investigation of Sacramento River Wildlife Area Units to Determine Restoration Opportunities for Wildlife Habitat Enhancement and Wildfire Resiliency

Halie Goeman

Wednesday 3:35 PM

SessionNatural History of Birds IINatural History of Carnivores ITransportation Projects and Wildlife Interactions IIWildlife and Agriculture IIRestoring/Monitoring Wildlife Populations and Habitats II
RoomCharter Oak ABECharter Oak CDSan Joaquin ABSan Joaquin CDSequoia-Upstairs
Wednesday 3:35 PMIntroductions and AnnouncementsIntroductions and AnnouncementsIntroductions and AnnouncementsIntroductions and AnnouncementsIntroductions and Announcements
Wednesday 3:40 PM

Annual survival of a migratory bird linked to climate-driven stressors across the migratory cycle: decline of Willow Flycatchers in the Kern River Valley, CA

Mary Whitfield

Mapping ringtail (Bassariscus astutus) distribution and development of genetic markers: tools to aid future monitoring and management.

Kristyn Schulte

Writing Effective Mitigation Measures

Sue Meyer

Updates from the Range: 10 Years of the Rangeland Monitoring Network

Brian Fagundes

Monitoring in a Changing World: Adapting to Limited Access

Hannah Espinosa
Wednesday 4:00 PM

Augmenting Translocated Sage-grouse Broods & Guiding Future Release Locations

Nicole Lindenauer
Student Paper

Jaguars in California: a past, a present and a future.

Jeff Alvarez

The Great Central Valley Holds a Few Surprises

Debra Hawk

Effects of experimental structural retention placement and arrangement on bird communities in managed forests of the Pacific Northwest

Aidan Healey
Student Paper

Restoring Forests and Biodiversity: Karuk Tribe Combines Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Modern Science to Revitalize Ecosystems and Protect Their Culture

Daniel Sarna
Wednesday 4:20 PM

Genetics and nesting behavior in a recovering population of the Threatened Hawaiian Stilt (Ae‘o; Himantopus mexicanus knudseni)

Melissa Price

Factors influencing the survival of fishers in the Southern Sierra Nevada, California

Craig Thompson

Developing a New Compensatory Mitigation Crediting Process: SB790 and a Wildlife Connectivity Pilot Project

Sadie McGarvey

Cannabis for Conservation; How Legal Cannabis can support Biodiversity

Janelle Chojnacki

Delineation of multiple forest disturbances over time: a case study across California's Sierra Nevada

Anu Kramer
Wednesday 4:40 PM

Do vocalization parameters of California least terns (Sternula antillarum browni) change in response to a nearby rocket launch?

Megan McCullah-Boozer
Student Paper

Mitigation and Monitoring of Habitat Connectivity for San Joaquin Kit Fox

Frank Meraz

Buena Vista Lake ornate shrew habitat restoration on a duck club

Francesca Cannizzo; Brian Cypher

Can wildlife coexist with cannabis? Characterizing bird and bat communities on and near licensed cannabis farms in Humboldt County, California

Mac Wilson

Establishing the baseline for noninvasive scat based demographic and genetic monitoring of the federally threatened coastal marten (Martes caurina humboldtensis)

Margaret Hallerud
Student Paper
Wednesday 5:00 PM

The ecological value of California walnut woodlands to avifauna

Natasha Khanna-Dang
Student Paper

Local site use of the endangered San Joaquin kit fox in Central Valley uplands

Rebecca Davenport

Extended Benefits of Mitigation

Hal Holland

Assessing livestock guardian dog impacts on coyotes and non-target wildlife behavior

Tricia Nguyen
Student Paper

Inventory of Small Mammals to Inform Restoration at Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area

Thea Wang
Wednesday 5:20 PM

Bridging the Gap Between Students, Wildlife, and Scientific Communication: Davis Wood Duckumentary

Edilyn Lazo
Student Paper

Shifting forest structure, climate, and wildfire shape the occupancy of a montane mesocarnivore guild

Jody Tucker
Q & A Session

Testing Adapative Habitat Selection in Breeding Swainson's Hawks

Elizabeth Meisman

The Impacts of Climate, Habitat and Wildfire on Sierra Nevada Small Mammal Communities

Reina Warnert
Student Paper

Thursday 8:00 AM

SessionNatural History of Turtles and TortoisesNatural History of Carnivores IIGenetics in Wildlife InvestigationsRestoring/Monitoring Wildlife Populations and Habitats IIILessons Learned in Wildlife Management
RoomCharter Oak ABECharter Oak CDSan Joaquin ABSan Joaquin CDSequoia-Upstairs
Thursday 8:00 AMIntroductions and AnnouncementsIntroductions and AnnouncementsIntroductions and AnnouncementsIntroductions and AnnouncementsIntroductions and Announcements
Thursday 8:05 AM

Spatially explicit estimation of sex- and age class-specific densities of Mojave desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii) on Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake

Julie Hendrix

Trial by fire: Assessing space use of burned landscapes by Pacific marten.

Alyssa Roddy

From City to Countryside: Implications for Adaptive Immunity in Birds

Emmanuel Okposio
Student Paper

Local scale occupancy and relative abundance of vocalizing avian species using Autonomous Recording Units

Natalie Kluck

Lessons Learned in Restoration and Monitoring of Sensitive Wildlife and Habitat in the Northern Carrizo Plain

Camdilla Wirth
Thursday 8:25 AM

It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better? Minimizing Impacts & Maximizing Benefits in Large-Scale Restoration in Occupied Turtle Habitat in Yosemite National Park

Ninette Daniele

Fine-scale vegetation characteristics at Humboldt marten rest locations reveals complicated challenges

Jessica Buskirk

Impervious surface cover and number of restaurants shape diet variation in an urban carnivore

Tali Caspi
Student Paper

California Black Rail (Laterallus Jamaicensis Coturniculus) Response to Marsh Restoration at Bay Point Regional Shoreline, California.

David Riensche

Improving methods in environmental review Part 1: Habitat assessment of wildlife species with potential to occur on a project site

Noriko Smallwood
Thursday 8:45 AM

Terrestrial Movements of the Southwestern Pond Turtle

Barry Nerhus

Strategies for Forest Thinning: Minimizing Impact on Pacific Marten Habitat

Smith Freeman
Student Paper

What has genetics taught us about fishers, marten and wolverines?: A 20 year update

Michael Schwartz

Effectiveness of Conservation Actions and Population Trends of Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in the Bi-State Distinct Population Segment

Steven Mathews

Improving methods in environmental review Part 2: Reconnaissance surveys for characterizing the wildlife community

Shawn Smallwood
Thursday 9:05 AM

Mojave Desert Tortoise use of California's abandoned mines

Trinity Smith

Forest structure and disturbance regimes affect the density and distribution of an endangered fisher (Pekania pennanti) population

Marie Martin

Comparing Pedigree-Based and Genomic Measures of Inbreeding in an Isolated Urban Mountain Lion Population

Cassandra Rodriguez
Student Paper

Avian Community Responses to Forest Restoration in Hawaiʻi

Erin Bell
Thursday 9:25 AM

Nesting Behavior in a Population of Northwestern Pond Turtles, Actinemys (Emys) marmorata

Madison Stein
Student Paper

Leveraging the Endangered Species Act for Recovery: a case study with Humboldt marten

Jenny Hutchinson

Genomic Impacts of Fragmentation and Disease in the Endangered San Joaquin Kit Fox

Sophie Preckler-Quisquater

Informing restoration design: Applying Central Valley Joint Venture Population Objectives for Grassland and At-Risk Riparian Birds

Kim Armstrong

Reintroduction planning, success and challenges of endangered amphibians in Yosemite National Park

Robert Grasso
Thursday 9:45 AM

Western Pond Turtles - Between Two Shells

Matthew Bettelheim

A call for collaborative conservation, innovative technology to describe natural history, evidence-based reviews, and historical context

Katie Moriarty

Conservation prioritization in the Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse

Mark Statham

An Update on the California Department of Fish and Wildlifes Climate and Biodiversity Monitoring Sentinel Site Network

Nicole Cornelius Jim Stilley

Mitigating Development Impacts: Creating Protected Breeding Habitat for California Red-Legged Frog and California Tiger Salamander

Sadie McGarvey

Thursday 10:35 AM

SessionWildlife TechniquesStudies in Exotic Species ManagementNatural History of SnakesWildlife PathogensConservation on Military Lands
RoomCharter Oak ABECharter Oak CDSan Joaquin ABSan Joaquin CDSequoia-Upstairs
Thursday 10:35 AMIntroductions and AnnouncementsIntroductions and AnnouncementsIntroductions and AnnouncementsIntroductions and AnnouncementsIntroductions and Announcements
Thursday 10:40 AM

A 3-D Thermal Camera System to Study Bats' Flight in the Wild

Dave Johnston

Developing A Coordinated Wild Pig Management Program Across A Multi-Agency Partnership

Daniel Biteman

Boom and Bust in a Non-Native Population of Diamond-backed Watersnake (Nerodia rhombifer) in Northern California

Eric Stitt

Salmonella in the city: constitutive and genetic innate immunity against a harmful pathogen in cardueline finches

Joel Slade

Adaptive Management Strategies for Recovery of the critically endangered San Clemente Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus mearnsi)

Caleb Arellano
Thursday 11:00 AM

Automated Wildlife Monitoring on Wildlife Crossings

Vedant Srinivas
Student Paper

Developing a tool for spatially prioritizing barred owl management

Brendan Hobart

Ten Thousand Snake Snacks: community science documents snake ecology at a racer's pace.

Isaac Krone

Prevalence of canine distemper virus, canine parvovirus, and canine adenovirus in endangered San Joaquin kit foxes in California

Erica Kelly

Behavioral Responses of Pinnipeds to Rocket Launches at Vandenberg Space Force Base and the North Channel Islands

Eugene DeRango
Thursday 11:20 AM

Using Timelapse Photography to Monitor Ecosystem Change: A Pilot Study in California Watersheds

Ryan Peek; Bergen Foshay

Understanding Barred Owl (Strix varia) Diet along an Invasion Pathway in California and the Pacific Northwest

Emma Fehlker Campbell
Student Paper

Monitoring habitat use by the Great Basin rattlesnake (Crotalus lutosus): patterns of resource selection and thermal environment in eastern Nevada

Colton Irons
Student Paper

Mitigating impacts from rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus and monitoring population trends for endangered riparian brush rabbits in California's Central Valley

Deana Clifford

Assessing the influence of rocket launch and landing noise on threatened and endangered species at Vandenberg Space Force Base

Lucas Hall
Thursday 11:40 AM

Combining hand captures, cameras, and telemetry to estimate population parameters of an endemic monitor lizard and inform the management of an endangered bird

Jack Christie
Student Paper

Extirpation as a management tool: An effective method for long-term control of American bullfrogs syntopic with special-status native amphibians in California

Jeff Alvarez

A Tale of Two Tails: lineage formation in a glossy snake species complex mirrors partitioning of desert ecosystems in the arid southwest

Dustin Wood

Combating a fungal disease in mountain yellow-legged frogs through in and ex situ strategies

Spencer Siddons

Evaluating acoustic fidelity degradation of professionally ruggedized recording equipment after long-term deployment in a costal environment

Levi Moats
Student Paper

Friday 8:00 AM

SessionRaptor Population Status and EcologyNatural History of AmphibiansNatural History of InvertebratesNatural History of Small MammalsNatural History of Bats
RoomCharter Oak ABECharter Oak CDSan Joaquin ABSan Joaquin CDSequoia-Upstairs
Friday 8:00 AMIntroductions and AnnouncementsIntroductions and AnnouncementsIntroductions and AnnouncementsIntroductions and AnnouncementsIntroductions and Announcements
Friday 8:05 AM

Comparing the relative effects of severe fire, drought, and fuel treatments on spotted owl occupancy

Elizabeth Ng
Student Paper

Yosemite Toad Reintroduction: Survival, Behavior, and Predation at 'Toad Island' in Yosemite National Park

Tiffany May
Student Paper

Updates on the Terrestrial and Vernal Pool Invertebrates of Conservation Priority List

Dylan Winkler

The Impacts Of Wildfire On San Clemente Island's Rodent Populations

Zachary Henke

White-nose Syndrome Could Soon Affect California’s Hibernating Bats

Katrina Smith
Friday 8:25 AM

Population Recovery, Reproductive Success, and Habitat use of Ospreys and Bald Eagles in Central Interior California

Daniel Airola

Distribution and Habitat Use of the Santa Clara County Population of Red-bellied Newts (Taricha rivularis)

Joie de Leon

Challenges and limitations for the recovery of the rare and understudied San Joaquin Valley giant flower-loving fly (Rhaphiomidas trochilus)

Mario Gaytan

Reporting on large-scale studies for Mohave ground squirrel (Xerospermophilus mohavensis)

Kathryn Simon

Why Bat Mitigation Often Fails, and How We Can Do Better: Recommended Approaches and Lessons Learned from Southern California

Jill Carpenter
Friday 8:45 AM

Increasing Wildfire Pressure Drives Habitat Decline for Southern California Spotted Owls

Joshua Barry
Student Paper

Predator-Prey Relationships Among Top Predators in California Vernal Pools: Dynamics of California Tiger Salamanders (Ambystoma californiense) and Predaceous Diving Beetle Larvae (Family Dytiscidae)

Jesse Schmieg
Student Paper

A bold challenge - assessing wild bee occurrence in forests that differed in stand age and fire severity at large spatial scales.

Katie Moriarty

A novel noninvasive survey tool for shrews and its implication for special status shrews in the San Francisco Estuary

Carla Angulo

Quantifying Silver-haired bat roosting habits in the Dixie fire burn scar

Alexander Lewis
Student Paper
Friday 9:05 AM

Golden Eagle Demographics and Habitat Use on a California Central Coast Landscape

Bobby Kamansky

Early age at sexual maturity; lessons learned from a marked, translocated population of threatened frogs

Jeffery Wilcox

Genetic assessment of springsnails (Pyrgulopsis) for inventory, monitoring and conservation across the Great Basin in Nevada and Utah.

Kristy Pilgrim

The Influence of Abiotic Factors on Buena Vista Lake Shrew (Sorex ornatus relictus) Activity Patterns

Monique Nunez

The effects of fire on bat activity in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks

Autumn Corrow
Friday 9:25 AM

The impacts of wildfire on spotted owls: a bioregional-scale data synthesis

Kate McGinn

Beyond the Karst: Diversification and Radiation of the Genus Hydromantes in Northern California

Casey Moss

Status of Lange's Metalmark Butterfly at Antioch Dunes National Wildlife Refuge

Mark Hayes

Long-term impacts of low-intensity grazing on Giant Kangaroo Rats in the Carrizo Plain National Monument

Scott Appleby

It's Hot in Here: Post-wildfire roost and microclimate selection of a small insectivorous bat, the California myotis

Katelyn Miller
Student Paper
Friday 9:45 AM

Habitat selection and movement ecology of the California population of great gray owl, Strix nebulosa yosemitensis

Heather Mackey

Thigmothermy in gravid female Arroyo Toads (Anaxyrus californicus)

William Haas

A second tadpole shrimp (Lepidurus lemmoni) native to California Central Valley vernal pools

Sean O'Brien

Why the long face? Lack of data limiting conservation action for potentially imperiled narrow-faced kangaroo rat

Garrett Gimbel
Student Paper

What's that smell? Determining Pd-infection Status in Tricolored Bats using E-nose Volatile Emissions Analysis

Anna Doty
Friday 10:05 AM 

Habitat Use & Partitioning by Rana boylii & Taricha rivularis in their Aquatic Life Stages

Beth Sabo

Improving planting design and weed management of restored bee and butterfly habitat in Central Valley agricultural landscapes

Corey Shake

Effects of microhabitat characteristics on upland site use by the endangered Buena Vista Lake ornate shrew

Adrienne Calistri-Yeh

The Natural History of California Leaf-nosed Bats: Tropical Bats in the Temperate Zone

Patricia Brown
Friday 10:25 AM 

Yosemite Toads and Wildfires: A Habitat in Transition

Tiffany May
Student Paper

Ecology and Conservation of the Tulare Basin's Endemic Scorpion

Prakrit Jain
Student Paper

Fight or Flood? Do the impacts of weather and competition shape SMHM densities and habitat use?

Katie Smith

Natural Pest Control, the Nocturnal Winged Helper: The Pest, Pollinators, and Vectors Bridge-Dwelling Bats are Consuming in California 

Sarah Heffelfinger
Student Paper

Poster Abstracts

Collaborative Partnerships to Develop Out-of-kind Mitigation: A Case Study at Sanborn County Park, Saratoga, CA

Samuel Aguilar

Documenting the spread of the invasive Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) in California

Rachel-Ann Arias
Student Paper

Benthic macroinvertebrates as bioindicators for metal following wildfire in Northern California

William Askea

Common ravens disrupt greater sage-grouse lekking behavior in the Great Basin

Joseph Atkinson

Snapshots, Sentinels, and Other Opportunities: Establishing a Student-Led Wildlife Monitoring Site

Tim Bean

Release or Translocation Habitat for the endangered Blunt-nosed Leopard Lizard (Gambelia sila)

Emily Bergman

Guide to Distinguishing Western Pond Turtles (Actinemys spp. ) from Common Pond Sliders (Trachemys spp.)

Matthew Bettelheim

Demographic Survey of the Alameda whipsnake (Masticophus lateralis euryxanthus) on Mt. Wanda at John Muir National Historic Site

Hannah Blank

A non-invasive fecal-DNA detection method for sarcoptic mange in the San Joaquin Kit Fox (Vulpes macrotis mutica)

Anaisía Brown

Do Rocket Launches Influence the Nesting Success of Western Snowy Plovers (Charadrius nivosus nivosus) and California Least Terns (Sternula antillarum browni)?

Rachel Budge
Student Paper

CDFW Nutria Eradication Program

Carolyn Buesch

Long-term occupancy monitoring reveals value of moderate disturbance for an open-habitat specialist, the Stephens' kangaroo rat (Dipodomys stephensi)

Denise Clark

Community Science Individuals Collect Peak Raptor Migration Data During a Pause in Programs.

Laura Coatney

Testing the use of rub-stations for sarcoptic mange treatment in San Joaquin kit foxes

Jessica Copeland
Student Paper

Coyote food item use along an urban gradient in the southern San Joaquin Valley, California

Brian Cypher

Population Genomics of the Endemic Galapagos Dove (Zenaida galapagoensis)

Eva Driggs
Student Paper

Where are they Breeding? Attaching GSM transmitters to Burrowing owls in Orange County, California

Alexandra Eagleton

Marine Resource Use by Terrestrial Mammals in Mainland Coastal Ecosystems.

Katie Elder

Bat community composition over an elevational gradient in Sequoia National Park

Jaqueline Elston
Student Paper

A Comparative Study of the Effects of Artificial Light on San Joaquin Kit Foxes in Urban and Non-Urban Environments

Karnig Estenssoro

How to Conserve the Chimpanzees and Their Environment? Make the People Healthy

Sarah Etheridge

Development of an Effective, Versatile, and Humane Wild Hog Trap

Susan Ferry

Effects of Canine Urine on Wildlife Foraging

Gabriel Fraser

Spatiotemporal partitioning between an invasive species and a mesocarnivore community in an urban environment

Alyse Gabaldon

Winter Warriors: Immunogenetics and Bloodborne Parasites in Overwintering White-Crowned Sparrows

LeAnne Gip

Evaluating the use of beak and talon swabs in barred owl diet analyses

Hermary Gonzales
Student Paper

Alert Distance Responses of Three Endangered Wetland Bird Species in Hawaiian Agro-ecosystems

Koa Grabar
Student Paper

Predicting the potential impacts of locations of solar facilities on mule deer populations in south central Oregon

Hanna Grock

Novel Oviposition Site Selection & Upland Habitat Use by Foothill Yellow-legged Frogs in the Middle Fork American River Watershed, Sierra Nevada Foothills, CA

Caroline Hamilton

Salmonid conservation through the study of an annelid worm: Manayunkia occidentalis in the Feather River, CA.

Dani Hartwigsen
Student Paper

A meta-analysis of the impact of drones on birds

Lauren Jackson
Student Paper

A novel way to monitor nests using Motus tagged birds and a CTT node.

Edwin Jacobo

Factors influencing road crossings by elk

Brielle Jaglowski
Student Paper

Variation in acoustic activity of bats across multiple habitat types by season in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park, California.

Jonathan Janes
Student Paper

Hummingbird happenings: the seasonality of physiological and behavioral energy balance strategies in Anna's hummingbird (Calypte anna)

Chelsea Johnson
Student Paper

Impact of a Sarcoptic Mange Epidemic on a Population of Endangered San Joaquin Kit Foxes

Erica Kelly

Application of Remote Sensing for Management of a Large Home Range Non-Native Mammal

Helen Lin

Understanding the effects of groundwater depth on riparian habitat quality in the Kern River Valley in California

Patrick Lorch

Greater sage-grouse chick survival within a post-fire landscape

Belle Malley
Student Paper

Genomic Assembly of the Galapagos Endemic Lava Gull for Species Conservation

Jessica Martin
Student Paper

A non-invasive genetic method to survey for North American porcupines

Sean Matthews

Investigating Pacific Pocket Mouse Microhabitat Selection Through Behavioral Observations

Ashley Flanders Max Moore

Paleo-biology in Galapagos to inform translocation of endemic species

Jaden McCaffrey
Student Paper

Maternal stress influences offspring immune function in a wild lizard

Tess McIntyre

Brood Parasitism on Greater Sage-Grouse Brood by Chukar in Nevada

McCoy Meshach

Capturing Common Ravens and Tracking Breeding-Season Movement Patterns

Charles Meyer

Quantifying Antipredator Behaviors of the Northern Pacific Rattlesnake on the Central Coast of California

Katherine Molinari

Effects of roads on space use, habitat selection, population dynamics and health of the ringtail (Bassariscus astutus)

J.P. Montagne

Roadkill Induced Extirpation of Largest Known Population of Pacific Newts (Taricha spp.) Requires Emergency Response

Madison Julia Morgan
Student Paper

Feather mites in white-crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys): temporal variation and their effects on condition

Katherine Moua

Phenological patterns in bat activity and species richness using long-term acoustic surveys within orchards of a Southern California urban agroecosystem

Jaime Neill

Turtle Leeches Found on Northwestern Pond Turtles and San Diego County in California

Barry Nerhus

Nest Site Selection of Ferruginous hawk within Butte Valley

Sierra Olsen
Student Paper

Where do you help wildlife get across 300 miles of the California Aqueduct? A data-driven process informing solutions.

Brock Ortega

First-Year Findings of Invasive Species Removal Efforts to Mitigate the Decline of Northwestern Pond Turtles (Actinemys marmorata) at a Preserve in Woodland, CA

Trinity Pineda

Camera Survey of Mammals - Central Sierra Nevada

Jay Power

Bridging the understanding gap

William Ramirez-Watson

Effects of reproductive status on standard metabolic rate of the prairie rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis) at high elevation site with a short active season

Emma Reardon

Pacific martens, a forest obligate, persisted after a megafire

Deirdre Replinger
Student Paper

Night Wings of Southern Alameda County

David Riensche

Black Skimmer (Rynchops niger) Breeding Success in the East Bay Regional Park District, California

David Riensche

Validating iButtons for characterizing summer nighttime microhabitat use in desert tortoises across life stages

Katelyn Rock

Soaring The Skies: Where do Reintroduced California Condors Spend Their Time?

Jose Rodriguez Gutierrez

Effects of Wildfire on American Black Bear (Ursus americanus) Populations in Lassen Volcanic National Park

Daniel Ruka
Student Paper

Restoration Monitoring - Challenges and Opportunities

Allison Salas

Spatial Dynamics of San Clemente Island Fox Adult Females and Pups

Destiny Saucedo
Student Paper

Harbor seal haulout behavior in and near Morro Bay

Claire Savage
Student Paper

Spotting the difference: A Comparative study of Aneides Spotting and Canopy Cover

Meg Scudder

Whole Genome of the Critically Endangered Galapagos Petrel (Pterodroma phaeopygia) and Implications for Conservation

Isabella Sessi
Student Paper

Plumage coloration and body condition as signals of MHC class I diversity and genotype in male house finches (Haemorhous mexicanus)

Alexandria Singh

From Poison to Signal: Utilizing Machine Learning to Quantify Anti-predator Warning Colors in Garter Snakes (Thamnophis)

Jacob Smith
Student Paper

Monitoring Climate Change and Biodiversity Through the California Sentinel Site Network

Phillip Smith

Motus Matures in California

Levi Souza

Alameda Song Sparrow Habitat Use as a Metric for Restoration Success

Bradley Speno
Student Paper

The Scented Underworld: Eucalyptus Essential Oils and Their Effects on Soil Health

Paola Suarez Campa

Bats and Wildfire in Northern California - How did the Dixie Fire Impact Bat Species Distribution and Activity Patterns in Northern California? A Thesis Update

Amelia Tauber
Student Paper

Lessons Learned from the Field: A Consultant's Perspective on Bumble Bee Surveys

Christina Torres

A Multispecies Approach to the Conservation of the San Quintin Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys gravipes)

Scott Tremor

Seasonal prey selection of Chiroptera in Northern California

Lucas Vanderkar

Seasonal Variation in Bat Community Composition along an Urban Gradient

Kellie Ventura
Student Paper

Cache Creek Conservancy: Revitalizing Impacted Landscapes Through Restoration and Education

Felicia Wang

Bobcat habitat selection across a fragmented agroecosystem landscape in Southern California

Betty Wong
Student Paper

Measuring and Monitoring Spawning Gravel for Steelhead Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Along the Carmel River

Destiny-Ciara Yano

Development and Evaluation of an Enhanced Method for Swainson's Hawk Nest Monitoring

Sarah Yates

Contaminant Surveillance in North American River Otters in California

Juntong Zhou

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