Collaborative Partnerships to Develop Out-of-kind Mitigation: A Case Study at Sanborn County Park, Saratoga, CA Samuel Aguilar
| Documenting the spread of the invasive Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) in California Rachel-Ann Arias Student Paper
| Benthic macroinvertebrates as bioindicators for metal following wildfire in Northern California William Askea
| Common ravens disrupt greater sage-grouse lekking behavior in the Great Basin Joseph Atkinson
Snapshots, Sentinels, and Other Opportunities: Establishing a Student-Led Wildlife Monitoring Site Tim Bean
| Release or Translocation Habitat for the endangered Blunt-nosed Leopard Lizard (Gambelia sila) Emily Bergman
| Guide to Distinguishing Western Pond Turtles (Actinemys spp. ) from Common Pond Sliders (Trachemys spp.) Matthew Bettelheim
| Demographic Survey of the Alameda whipsnake (Masticophus lateralis euryxanthus) on Mt. Wanda at John Muir National Historic Site Hannah Blank
A non-invasive fecal-DNA detection method for sarcoptic mange in the San Joaquin Kit Fox (Vulpes macrotis mutica) Anaisía Brown
| Do Rocket Launches Influence the Nesting Success of Western Snowy Plovers (Charadrius nivosus nivosus) and California Least Terns (Sternula antillarum browni)? Rachel Budge Student Paper
| CDFW Nutria Eradication Program Carolyn Buesch
| Long-term occupancy monitoring reveals value of moderate disturbance for an open-habitat specialist, the Stephens' kangaroo rat (Dipodomys stephensi) Denise Clark
Community Science Individuals Collect Peak Raptor Migration Data During a Pause in Programs. Laura Coatney
| Testing the use of rub-stations for sarcoptic mange treatment in San Joaquin kit foxes Jessica Copeland Student Paper
| Coyote food item use along an urban gradient in the southern San Joaquin Valley, California Brian Cypher
| Population Genomics of the Endemic Galapagos Dove (Zenaida galapagoensis) Eva Driggs Student Paper
Where are they Breeding? Attaching GSM transmitters to Burrowing owls in Orange County, California Alexandra Eagleton
| Marine Resource Use by Terrestrial Mammals in Mainland Coastal Ecosystems. Katie Elder
| Bat community composition over an elevational gradient in Sequoia National Park Jaqueline Elston Student Paper
| A Comparative Study of the Effects of Artificial Light on San Joaquin Kit Foxes in Urban and Non-Urban Environments Karnig Estenssoro
How to Conserve the Chimpanzees and Their Environment? Make the People Healthy Sarah Etheridge
| Development of an Effective, Versatile, and Humane Wild Hog Trap Susan Ferry
| Effects of Canine Urine on Wildlife Foraging Gabriel Fraser
| Spatiotemporal partitioning between an invasive species and a mesocarnivore community in an urban environment Alyse Gabaldon
Winter Warriors: Immunogenetics and Bloodborne Parasites in Overwintering White-Crowned Sparrows LeAnne Gip
| Evaluating the use of beak and talon swabs in barred owl diet analyses Hermary Gonzales Student Paper
| Alert Distance Responses of Three Endangered Wetland Bird Species in Hawaiian Agro-ecosystems Koa Grabar Student Paper
| Predicting the potential impacts of locations of solar facilities on mule deer populations in south central Oregon Hanna Grock
Novel Oviposition Site Selection & Upland Habitat Use by Foothill Yellow-legged Frogs in the Middle Fork American River Watershed, Sierra Nevada Foothills, CA Caroline Hamilton
| Salmonid conservation through the study of an annelid worm: Manayunkia occidentalis in the Feather River, CA. Dani Hartwigsen Student Paper
| A meta-analysis of the impact of drones on birds Lauren Jackson Student Paper
| A novel way to monitor nests using Motus tagged birds and a CTT node. Edwin Jacobo
Factors influencing road crossings by elk Brielle Jaglowski Student Paper
| Variation in acoustic activity of bats across multiple habitat types by season in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park, California. Jonathan Janes Student Paper
| Hummingbird happenings: the seasonality of physiological and behavioral energy balance strategies in Anna's hummingbird (Calypte anna) Chelsea Johnson Student Paper
| Impact of a Sarcoptic Mange Epidemic on a Population of Endangered San Joaquin Kit Foxes Erica Kelly
Application of Remote Sensing for Management of a Large Home Range Non-Native Mammal Helen Lin
| Understanding the effects of groundwater depth on riparian habitat quality in the Kern River Valley in California Patrick Lorch
| Greater sage-grouse chick survival within a post-fire landscape Belle Malley Student Paper
| Genomic Assembly of the Galapagos Endemic Lava Gull for Species Conservation Jessica Martin Student Paper
A non-invasive genetic method to survey for North American porcupines Sean Matthews
| Investigating Pacific Pocket Mouse Microhabitat Selection Through Behavioral Observations Ashley Flanders Max Moore
| Paleo-biology in Galapagos to inform translocation of endemic species Jaden McCaffrey Student Paper
| Maternal stress influences offspring immune function in a wild lizard Tess McIntyre
Brood Parasitism on Greater Sage-Grouse Brood by Chukar in Nevada McCoy Meshach
| Capturing Common Ravens and Tracking Breeding-Season Movement Patterns Charles Meyer
| Quantifying Antipredator Behaviors of the Northern Pacific Rattlesnake on the Central Coast of California Katherine Molinari
| Effects of roads on space use, habitat selection, population dynamics and health of the ringtail (Bassariscus astutus) J.P. Montagne
Roadkill Induced Extirpation of Largest Known Population of Pacific Newts (Taricha spp.) Requires Emergency Response Madison Julia Morgan Student Paper
| Feather mites in white-crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys): temporal variation and their effects on condition Katherine Moua
| Phenological patterns in bat activity and species richness using long-term acoustic surveys within orchards of a Southern California urban agroecosystem Jaime Neill
| Turtle Leeches Found on Northwestern Pond Turtles and San Diego County in California Barry Nerhus
Nest Site Selection of Ferruginous hawk within Butte Valley Sierra Olsen Student Paper
| Where do you help wildlife get across 300 miles of the California Aqueduct? A data-driven process informing solutions. Brock Ortega
| First-Year Findings of Invasive Species Removal Efforts to Mitigate the Decline of Northwestern Pond Turtles (Actinemys marmorata) at a Preserve in Woodland, CA Trinity Pineda
| Camera Survey of Mammals - Central Sierra Nevada Jay Power
Bridging the understanding gap William Ramirez-Watson
| Effects of reproductive status on standard metabolic rate of the prairie rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis) at high elevation site with a short active season Emma Reardon
| Pacific martens, a forest obligate, persisted after a megafire Deirdre Replinger Student Paper
| Night Wings of Southern Alameda County David Riensche
Black Skimmer (Rynchops niger) Breeding Success in the East Bay Regional Park District, California David Riensche
| Validating iButtons for characterizing summer nighttime microhabitat use in desert tortoises across life stages Katelyn Rock
| Soaring The Skies: Where do Reintroduced California Condors Spend Their Time? Jose Rodriguez Gutierrez
| Effects of Wildfire on American Black Bear (Ursus americanus) Populations in Lassen Volcanic National Park Daniel Ruka Student Paper
Restoration Monitoring - Challenges and Opportunities Allison Salas
| Spatial Dynamics of San Clemente Island Fox Adult Females and Pups Destiny Saucedo Student Paper
| Harbor seal haulout behavior in and near Morro Bay Claire Savage Student Paper
| Spotting the difference: A Comparative study of Aneides Spotting and Canopy Cover Meg Scudder
Whole Genome of the Critically Endangered Galapagos Petrel (Pterodroma phaeopygia) and Implications for Conservation Isabella Sessi Student Paper
| Plumage coloration and body condition as signals of MHC class I diversity and genotype in male house finches (Haemorhous mexicanus) Alexandria Singh
| From Poison to Signal: Utilizing Machine Learning to Quantify Anti-predator Warning Colors in Garter Snakes (Thamnophis) Jacob Smith Student Paper
| Monitoring Climate Change and Biodiversity Through the California Sentinel Site Network Phillip Smith
Motus Matures in California Levi Souza
| Alameda Song Sparrow Habitat Use as a Metric for Restoration Success Bradley Speno Student Paper
| The Scented Underworld: Eucalyptus Essential Oils and Their Effects on Soil Health Paola Suarez Campa
| Bats and Wildfire in Northern California - How did the Dixie Fire Impact Bat Species Distribution and Activity Patterns in Northern California? A Thesis Update Amelia Tauber Student Paper
Lessons Learned from the Field: A Consultant's Perspective on Bumble Bee Surveys Christina Torres
| A Multispecies Approach to the Conservation of the San Quintin Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys gravipes) Scott Tremor
| Seasonal prey selection of Chiroptera in Northern California Lucas Vanderkar
| Seasonal Variation in Bat Community Composition along an Urban Gradient Kellie Ventura Student Paper
Cache Creek Conservancy: Revitalizing Impacted Landscapes Through Restoration and Education Felicia Wang
| Bobcat habitat selection across a fragmented agroecosystem landscape in Southern California Betty Wong Student Paper
| Measuring and Monitoring Spawning Gravel for Steelhead Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Along the Carmel River Destiny-Ciara Yano
| Development and Evaluation of an Enhanced Method for Swainson's Hawk Nest Monitoring Sarah Yates
Contaminant Surveillance in North American River Otters in California Juntong Zhou