TWSWS Abstracts Portal

Wednesday 1:00 PM

SessionJEDI Session (Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion)War with the Newts? Interactions between Pacific coast newts and endangered amphibians.Birds I: OwlsMammals I: Ungulates
RoomExhibit Hall CExhibit Hall DRaincross B/C/E/FRaincross A/D
Wednesday 1:00 PMIntroductions and AnnouncementsIntroductions and AnnouncementsIntroductions and AnnouncementsIntroductions and Announcements
Wednesday 1:05 PM

Department of Water Resources' Racial Equity Action Plan

Andrea Riley
Zoom Presentation

Creating a pond array to test the effects of predation by larval newts on the eggs of California red-legged frogs

Michael Westphal
In Person Presentation

Breeding ecology and diet of Pueo (Hawaiian Short-eared Owl; Asio flammeus sandwichensis)

Olivia Wang
Student Paper
In Person Presentation

Before-after-control-impact (BACI) study of wildfire effects on deer diet using DNA metabarcoding

Carly White
In Person Presentation
Wednesday 1:25 PM

Archaeology is for Everyone: A Grassroots Effort to Normalize a Change in Archaeology's Complexion

Dana Cota
Zoom Presentation

Does severe drought exacerbate predation by newts (Taricha spp.) on amphibian egg masses?

Jeff Wilcox
In Person Presentation

Forest owls respond to historical and novel fire disturbance in the Sierra Nevada

Kate McGinn
Student Paper
In Person Presentation

Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp. in Domestic Cattle and Wild Roosevelt Elk: Fecal Pathogens at the Wildlife-Domestic Interface

Emily Armstrong Buck
In Person Presentation
Wednesday 1:45 PM

Caltrans: Pioneering a people-centered approach to Diversity Equity and Inclusions for our goals and values through shared leadership.

Amar Cid
Zoom Presentation

HCP Implementation and Adaptive Management at a Santa Cruz long-toed salamander Breeding Pond

Chad Steiner
Zoom Presentation

Potential collapse of spotted owl populations in Southern California

Josh Barry
Student Paper
In Person Presentation

Increasing population trend of mule deer in Northeastern California associated with winter severity

Brett Furnas
In Person Presentation
Wednesday 2:05 PM

Scientific Storytelling: How Research Reaches the Masses

Tonya Marshall
In Person Presentation

Predation on California Red-legged Frog eggs by overwintering Rough-skinned Newt larvae

Karen Kiemnec-Tyburczy
In Person Presentation

Habitat Selection by Juvenile Barred Owls during Dispersal in Coastal California

Whitney Watson
Student Paper
In Person Presentation

Robustness of fecal-DNA spatial capture-recapture (SCR) abundance estimation to aggregation in elk

Ben Sacks
In Person Presentation
Wednesday 2:25 PM

Title: Embedding equity: Shifting from ideas to action

Nicole Cropper
In Person Presentation

Sierra Newt (Taricha sierrae) Breeding in an Intermittent Central California Stream: Results of a Continuing Long-Term Study

Julie Vance
In Person Presentation

A Passive Acoustic Framework for Monitoring Rapidly Expanding Barred Owl Populations

Whitney Watson
Student Paper
In Person Presentation

Utilizing the time-to-event framework to estimate elk abundance over a large spatial scale in the Klamath Mountains of California

Sara Moriarty-Graves
Student Paper
In Person Presentation
Wednesday 2:45 PM

Panel Discussion

In Person Presentation

Panel Discussion

In Person Presentation

Developing a prioritization tool to support acoustics-based spotted owl surveys

H. Anu Kramer
In Person Presentation

Wednesday 3:20 PM

SessionMammals II: BatsReptiles and Amphibians IBirds IIProfessionalism and Ethics
RoomExhibit Hall CExhibit Hall DRaincross B/C/E/FRaincross A/D
Wednesday 3:20 PMIntroductions and AnnouncementsIntroductions and AnnouncementsIntroductions and AnnouncementsIntroductions and Announcements
Wednesday 3:25 PM

Effects of dewatering gallinaceous guzzlers on wildlife.

Neal Darby
In Person Presentation

Effect of radio-transmitter collar color on predation probability in endangered Blunt-nosed Leopard Lizards (Gambelia sila) in the Panoche Plateau

Keyanna Pinto
Student Paper
In Person Presentation

How Stable Are Hybrid Zones in the Face of Climate Change?

Daniel Pierce
In Person Presentation

Ethics in the Field. "Know Thyself".

Chris Huntley
In Person Presentation
Wednesday 3:45 PM

Dynamic changes in species richness and colony sizes of bats roosting in abandoned mines suggest use as refugia from challenging climatic conditions

Rick Sherwin
In Person Presentation

A New OTM: A spatially and temporally explicit operative temperature model

Ian Axsom
Student Paper
In Person Presentation

Preliminary Results of a Population Assessment for Least Bell's Vireos, Vireo bellii pusillus, in the Santa Clara River Valley in Southern California

Andrew Dennhardt
In Person Presentation

Advocacy, Ethics, Client Needs, and the Resources. Maintaining Your Ethics While Supporting Responsible Growth

TBD Panel
In Person Presentation
Wednesday 4:05 PM

Influence of Introduced trout on foraging bats in the Sierra Nevada Mountains

Dave Johnston
Zoom Presentation

Limits of burrows to buffer against climate extremes -- insight for headstarting as a tool to bolster Mojave desert tortoise populations

Melissa Merrick
In Person Presentation

Decades of Riparian Breeding Birds Show Persistent Reduction After Extreme Heat

Dave Riensche
In Person Presentation

The Ramifications of Compromised Ethics, Misplaced Advocacy, Poor Field Craft and How to Avoid Them.

TBD Panel
In Person Presentation
Wednesday 4:25 PM

Bats in swallow nests: implications for bat conservation

Jill Carpenter
In Person Presentation

Spatial Ecology of the Little Panoche Valley Blunt-nosed Leopard Lizard (Gambelia sila) population

Stephanie Doria
In Person Presentation

Assessing species distributions in terms of forest restoration and fire risk in the Sierra Nevada

Kristin Brunk
In Person Presentation

The value of sharing field observations, yes, even those from construction monitoring

Jeff Alvarez
In Person Presentation
Wednesday 4:45 PM

Determining Nightly Movements of Bats to Conserve Foraging Habitat

Patricia Brown
In Person Presentation

Dietary analysis of Blunt-nosed Leopard Lizard and Sympatric Lizards using DNA Metabarcoding

Mark Statham
In Person Presentation

Using Technology to Reduce Lead Poisoning in California Condors

Kara Fadden
In Person Presentation

Panel Discussion

In Person Presentation
Wednesday 5:05 PM 

Management of Blunt-nosed leopard lizard (Gambelia sila) Assurance Colony at the Fresno Chaffee Zoo, Year Two!

Steve Sharp
In Person Presentation

Using an Innovative Data Sharing Application to Coordinate the Efforts of California Condor Recovery Partners

Danae Mouton
In Person Presentation

Thursday 8:00 AM

SessionMammals III: CanidsReptiles and Amphibians IIAddressing Conservation Challenges through TechnologyInvertebrate Conservation
RoomExhibit Hall CExhibit Hall DRaincross B/C/E/FRaincross A/D
Thursday 8:00 AMIntroductions and AnnouncementsIntroductions and AnnouncementsIntroductions and AnnouncementsIntroductions and Announcements
Thursday 8:05 AM

Dancing With Wolves: a choreographic challenge

Kent Laudon
In Person Presentation

Comparing camera traps and visual encounter surveys for monitoring small animals

Nicole Cornelius
In Person Presentation

Application of thermography and time-lapse thermal imaging in studies of juvenile desert tortoise ecology

Thomas Radzio
In Person Presentation

Effects of Iris Pseudacorus on Invertebrate Communities in a Southern California Estuary

Anita Arenas
Student Paper
In Person Presentation
Thursday 8:25 AM

"California Dreamin' " California Wolf Management Update

Kent Laudon
In Person Presentation

The Northern Leopard Frog: California's Forgotten Anuran?

Eric Stitt
In Person Presentation

Emerging conservation technologies reveal a mechanistic link between a Sierra Nevada megafire and biodiversity loss

Connor Wood
In Person Presentation

Attempted Population Reduction of the American Bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana Shaw 1802 (Amphibia, Anura, Ranidae), An Invasive Amphibian at the Resighini Rancheria.

Bradford Norman
In Person Presentation
Thursday 8:45 AM

Genome-Wide Sequencing Uncovers Recent Admixture Pulses and Selective Introgression between Highly Divergent Gray Fox Lineages

Sophie Preckler-Quisquater
In Person Presentation

Status of Construction and Mitigation Including California Tiger Salamander Breeding Success in the One Lake Project in Solano County, California

Bethany Dengler-Germain
In Person Presentation

Monitoring California Spotted Owls in the Sierra Nevada with Bioacoustics

Kevin Kelly
In Person Presentation

Doing Adaptive Management on the Fly: Managing for the understudied and federally endangered Delhi Sands Flower-Loving Fly.

Jonathan Reinig
In Person Presentation
Thursday 9:05 AM

Density-Dependent Home Range Size in a Recovering Population of Island Foxes (Urocyon littoralis) on Santa Rosa Island, California

Katie Elder
Student Paper
In Person Presentation

Late Season Larvae, Edema, and Estivation: Lessons Learned from California Red-legged Frogs at San Francisco International Airport

Brian Pittman
In Person Presentation

Advancing bird survey efforts through novel recorder technology and automated species identification

Matthew Toenies
In Person Presentation

Habitat management and restoration at western monarch overwintering sites in California State Parks

Heather White
In Person Presentation
Thursday 9:25 AM

Potential habitat and carrying capacity of endangered San Joaquin kit foxes in an urban environment: implications for conservation and recovery

Brian Cypher
In Person Presentation

Rearing threatened amphibians for release in an uncertain world

Rochelle Stiles
In Person Presentation

An integrated spatial capture-recapture approach reveals the distribution and density of a cryptic carnivore in a protected area

Marie Martin
In Person Presentation

Crowdsourcing Conservation: Community Science to Conserve California's Bumble Bees

Leif Richardson
In Person Presentation
Thursday 9:45 AM 

Giant gartersnake historical habitat design at Lookout Slough, a multi-benefit restoration project

Patricia Valcarcel, CWB
In Person Presentation

Building a Climate Change-Biodiversity Monitoring Sentinel Site Network in California through a Multi-Jurisdictional Partnership

Whitney Albright
In Person Presentation

Thursday 10:25 AM

SessionMammals III: Canids (continued)Reptiles and Amphibians IIIMammals IV: MustelidsBirds III
RoomExhibit Hall CExhibit Hall DRaincross B/C/E/FRaincross A/D
Thursday 10:25 AMIntroductions and AnnouncementsIntroductions and AnnouncementsIntroductions and AnnouncementsIntroductions and Announcements
Thursday 10:30 AM

Fostering orphaned pups of endangered San Joaquin kit foxes (Vulpes macrotis mutica): four case studies

Nicole Deatherage
In Person Presentation

Changing Sex Ratios due to Global Warming for the Northwest Atlantic Loggerhead Sea Turtle Population

Marissa Rykowski
Student Paper
In Person Presentation

Use of whole-genome sequencing to investigate the evolutionary history of island spotted skunks

Julia Owen-Ramos
Student Paper
In Person Presentation

Collaboration in a complex social-ecological system: Management of migratory waterfowl along the Pacific Flyway

Aviv Karasov-Olson
Student Paper
In Person Presentation
Thursday 10:50 AM

Impact of a Sarcoptic Mange Epidemic on a Population of Endangered San Joaquin Kit Foxes

Erica Kelly
In Person Presentation

Incipient species of Elgaria multicarinata complex living at different latitudes display nearly indistinguishable thermal behavior and tolerance

An Lyu
Student Paper
In Person Presentation

American Badger and Burrowing Owl Habitat Suitability Assessment

Karine Tokatlian
Zoom Presentation

Dabbling In Danger: Ducks of the Tribe Anatini Display Increased Vigilance in Response to Perceived Bald Eagle Predation Pressure in the Sacramento Valley

Kevin Dodd
Student Paper
In Person Presentation
Thursday 11:10 AM

Ecological and Demographic Response of San Joaquin Kit Foxes to the Panoche Valley Solar Farm

Tory Westall
In Person Presentation

A Review of the Historical Market: Effect of the West Coast Commercial Fishery on Western Pond Turtles (Actinemys marmorata and A. pallida)

Matthew Bettelheim
In Person Presentation

Sex and age mediate the effects of rapid environmental change for fishers in the southern Sierra Nevada

Corbin Kuntze
Student Paper
In Person Presentation

Common Raven Resource Use and Behavior around Nesting Habitat of the Threatened Western Snowy Plover

Janelle Chojnacki
Student Paper
In Person Presentation
Thursday 11:30 AM

San Joaquin kit fox demography and ecology on the Carrizo Plain: it's the kangaroo rats, stupid!

Brian Cypher
In Person Presentation

Upland habitat occupancy by northwestern and southwestern pond turtles in central California

Jeff Alvarez
In Person Presentation

Use of footprint identification technique (FIT) to develop a novel tool for species and sex discrimination of fisher tracks

Jody Tucker
Zoom Presentation

Prey Availability at a variety of California Least Tern (Sternula antillarumbrowni) colonies

Amanda Martinez
Student Paper
In Person Presentation
Thursday 11:50 AM 

Resiliency of the Southwestern Pond Turtle (Actinemys pallida) after Drought in southern California

Lyell Buttermore
In Person Presentation

Forest carnivores on the brink: up in smoke or climbing to the top?

Katie Moriarty
In Person Presentation

Riparian area, not fragmentation, is associated with breeding bird species richness in the Great Basin, USA

Frank Fogarty
In Person Presentation
Thursday 12:10 PM 

Population Dynamics of a Southwestern Pond Turtle Population in Orange County

Barry Nerhus
In Person Presentation

Fishers, forest refugia, and fire footprints

Rebecca Green
In Person Presentation

Friday 8:00 AM

SessionMammals V: Rodents / LagomorphsChallenges and Opportunities I: Species RecoveryUse of AI for Processing Camera Trap ImagesChallenges and Opportunities II: Human Dimensions
RoomExhibit Hall CExhibit Hall DRaincross B/C/E/FRaincross A/D
Friday 8:00 AMIntroductions and AnnouncementsIntroductions and AnnouncementsIntroductions and AnnouncementsIntroductions and Announcements
Friday 8:05 AM

Building a better prediction: A case study in evaluating a quick field assessment technique for predicting salt marsh harvest mouse occupancy.

Katie Smith
In Person Presentation

Five-year Status Review for the Santa Barbara County Distinct Population Segment of the California Tiger Salamander, Ambystoma californiense

Andrew Dennhardt
In Person Presentation

Passive acoustic surveys and a novel machine learning tool reveal detailed spatiotemporal variation in the vocal activity of two Anurans - with implications for carnivore monitoring

Connor Wood
In Person Presentation
Friday 8:25 AM

Utilizing the ArcGIS Field Maps mobile app to optimize survey data collection for a large-scale collaborative regional survey

Katie Smith
In Person Presentation

Navigating a path to recovery for kiwikiu: a Hawaiian finch in peril

Laura Berthold
In Person Presentation

California Fish and Wildlife's partnership with Wildlife Insights for storing, processing, and sharing camera images

Lindsey Rich
In Person Presentation

Motus wildlife tracking: Protocol for Tag Detection Testing for Motus Stations

Patrick Lorch
In Person Presentation
Friday 8:45 AM

Analysis of modern and museum DNA reveals declining genetic diversity in salt marsh harvest mice

Cody Aylward
In Person Presentation

Assessing avian malaria at the landscape scale in Hawai'i

Cara Thow
In Person Presentation

Artificial Intelligence-Supported Animal Image Processing

Fraser Shilling
In Person Presentation

Evaluation of Dam Decommissioning as a Marsh Restoration Method

Carla Angulo
Student Paper
In Person Presentation
Friday 9:05 AM

Studying the Behavior and Ecology of the Riparian Brush Rabbit with Camera Traps during Extreme Flood

Celia Tarcha
In Person Presentation

The future is here: Recent declines across multiple taxa in the Hawaiian Islands raise alarms regarding potential tipping points caused by multiple threats, inc

Melissa Price
In Person Presentation

Open Source Computer Vision Models for Data Aggregation and Sorting

William Duvall
In Person Presentation

From Hazard to Habitat: California Department of Conservation's Bat Protection Efforts

Trinity Smith
In Person Presentation
Friday 9:25 AM

Translocation of the San Joaquin antelope squirrel (Ammospermophilus nelsoni) in the Carrizo Plain

Patrick Anderson
In Person Presentation

Desert Tortoise Week 2022

Kent Kowalski
In Person Presentation

Wildlife Image AI Detection: From Lab Testing to Enterprise Adoption

Martin Slosarik
Zoom Presentation

California Wildlife-Vehicle Conflict: Hotspots and Resolution

Fraser Shilling
In Person Presentation
Friday 9:45 AM

Rangewide Stephens' Kangaroo Rat Management and Monitoring Plan

Wayne Spencer
In Person Presentation

Loss and impending recovery of Panoche Plateau Blunt-nosed Leopard Lizards (Gambelia sila)

Rory Telemeco
In Person Presentation

Detecting and Monitoring Rodents Using Camera Traps and Machine Learning Versus Live Trapping for Occupancy Modeling

Jaran Hopkins
Student Paper
Zoom Presentation

Linkages Don't Predict Wildlife Occupancy and Movement

Autumn Iverson
In Person Presentation
Friday 10:05 AM

Genomic differentiation and demographic history in two formerly conspecific kangaroo rats, Dulzura kangaroo rat (D. simulans) and the agile kangaroo rat (D. agilis)

Yuwei Cui
Student Paper
In Person Presentation

Protecting endangered riparian brush rabbits from emergent rabbit hemorrhagic disease in California, USA

Deana Clifford
In Person Presentation

Using Machine Learning to Manage Large Remote Camera Datasets and Detect San Joaquin Fox in Western Merced County

Ryan Avery
In Person Presentation

Restoration of a Degraded Stream Through a Public-Private Partnership: A Case Study of Voluntary Habitat Conservation on Private Lands

Rachel Smith
In Person Presentation
Friday 10:25 AM

Fecal genotyping to estimate small mammal population size, with a comparison to live mark-recapture estimates

William Bean
In Person Presentation

20 Years of Progress in California: Advances in State and Federal Permitting and CEQA Review for Wildlife Habitat Restoration and Multi-benefit Projects

Erik Schmidt
In Person Presentation

Panel Discussion

In Person Presentation

Rewilding the American West

George Wuerthner
Zoom Presentation

Poster Abstracts

Space-use and Abundance of Humboldt Marten and Their Competitors in Northern California

Erika Anderson
Student Paper
In Person Presentation

Recovering Threatened and Endangered Species in California: Recovery Plans and the California Endangered Species Act

Ange Baker
In Person Presentation

Where Did They Go? Delineating Habitat Characteristics Between Mountain Ranges to Explain the Absence of the San Bernardino Flying Squirrel

Daniel Banyai-Becker
In Person Presentation

Gender Equity and Inclusion in Wildlife Sciences

Rebeca Becdach
In Person Presentation

Building a Case Criteria for Newt Mass Die-off Events

Bria Boose
In Person Presentation

The impacts and interactions of human disturbance on reproductive success in Western Gulls

Lilamarie Bowen
Student Paper
In Person Presentation

Environmental Factors Driving Abundance of Black-tailed Deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus) in the North Coast Region of California

Andrea Broad
Student Paper
In Person Presentation

Quail on Fire: Changing fire regimes may benefit mountain quail in fire-adapted forests

Kristin Brunk
In Person Presentation

Management of Species in Decline

Carolyn Buesch
In Person Presentation

Optimizing Artificial Raft Placement and Design for the Light-footed Ridgway’s Rail

Jessica Burton
Student Paper
In Person Presentation

Quantifying Barn Owl (Tyto furcata) Plumage Polymorphism in Napa Valley, CA

Jaime Carlino
Student Paper
In Person Presentation

DNA Metabarcoding Identifies Urban Dietary Patterns of Coyotes in San Francisco

Tali Caspi
Student Paper
In Person Presentation

The Intersection of Wastewater Treatment Plants and Threatened and Endangered Species in California Watersheds

Anna Cassady
In Person Presentation

No Ka Lāhui: Using IUCN Data to Inform Recovering Imperiled Species of Hawai'i, for Hawai'i

Brissa Christophersen
Student Paper
In Person Presentation

Effects of Fire Retardant on Vernal Pool Community Composition

Monica Coll
Student Paper
In Person Presentation

Detection of Ophidiomyces ophidiicola and Snake Fungal Disease in California

Raquel Elander
In Person Presentation

Not all Greenspace is Created Equal: Evaluating the Influence of Greenspace Metrics and the Luxury Effect on Wildlife Diversity and People in San Gabriel Valley

Adrianna Elihu
In Person Presentation

Degradation of Low-density Polyethylene and Plantanus acerifolia Leaves in an Ephemeral Pond and Arid Grassland

Amy Fetters
In Person Presentation

Bombus treasure hunt in California: On the lookout for wild bumble bees

Blanca Guillén
Student Paper
In Person Presentation

Comparing Time-to-event and Fecal DNA Analyses for Estimating Roosevelt elk (Cervus canadensis roosevelti) Abundance in Maple Creek, California

Ashley Harper
In Person Presentation

Comparative Acoustic Sampling Interpretation: Defining Bat Vocal Activity Aided By Thermography

Jason Holmes
In Person Presentation

Mesocarnivore presence in the Lake Almanor Basin following the Dixie Fire

Bennie Johnson
In Person Presentation

Biological Monitoring of the Clinton Keith Road Overcrossing and Undercrossing in Riverside County, California, 2019-2021

Cristina Juran
In Person Presentation

Comparing Bumblebees and Floral Resources Following Large-scale Wildfires

Kirstie Kandaris
In Person Presentation

Identifying Suitable Areas for Mitigation Banking for Jurisdictional Waters and California Gnatcatcher Habitat in City of Lake Elsinore, Riverside County, CA

Max Ketabi
In Person Presentation

Statewide Distribution and Trends of Bank Swallows (Riparia riparia) in California

Jeff McFarland
In Person Presentation

Watery Going To Do About Drought Impacts on Lizards?: Osmoregulation of Blunt-Nosed Leopard Lizards

Tess McIntyre
Student Paper
In Person Presentation

The Effects of Structural Size on Swainson's Hawk Natal Dispersal Distance and Recruitment Dynamics

Elizabeth Meisman
Student Paper
In Person Presentation

Safe Harbor and Voluntary Local Programs: Pathways to Conservation on Private Lands

Ekaterina Morozova
In Person Presentation

Habitat Suitability Analysis of the Big Chico Creek Ecological Reserve for Mammalian Carnivores

Paige Munson
In Person Presentation

Closed canopy forest predicts spotted owl occupancy regardless of the presence of potential competitor

Elizabeth Ng
Student Paper
In Person Presentation

How Hot is Too Hot? Behavioral Thermoregulation of San Joaquin Antelope Squirrels (Ammospermophilus nelsoni) in Carrizo Plains National Monument

Roxanne Nolan
Student Paper
In Person Presentation

Connectivity Challenges for Landscape-Scale Conservation through the Lens of the Natural Community Conservation Planning Act

Heather Pert
In Person Presentation

Inbreeding Levels of Humboldt Martens in Coastal Oregon Based on Whole-genome Sequencing

Sophie Preckler-Quisquater
In Person Presentation

Preliminary Comparison of Genetic Diversity in the Endangered San Joaquin kit fox (Vulpes macrotis mutica) Before Versus After a Mange Outbreak

Sophie Preckler-Quisquater
Student Paper
In Person Presentation

California Amphibian Skin and Gut Microbiomes Compared in Respect to Life History

Raquel Reyes
In Person Presentation

The Importance of Oyster Shells in the Nest Site Selection of the Western Snowy Plover (Charadrius alexandrines nivosus)

David Riensche
In Person Presentation

Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) Nesting Trends, Management and Public Education in the East Bay Regional Park District

David Riensche
In Person Presentation

Black Oystercatcher Nests Success with California Least Terns in the San Francisco Bay

David Riensche
In Person Presentation

Dietary Niche Overlap of the Sierra Nevada Red Fox among Coyote, Bobcat, and Marten in a High Elevation Ecosystem

Grace Rosburg-Francot
In Person Presentation

Genetic Continuity of North American Red and Eastern Wolves Across Time and Space

Ben Sacks
In Person Presentation

The Power and Promise of Fecal DNA in Wildlife Management and Conservation: Lessons from 10 years and a Thousand Tons of S_ _t

Ben Sacks
In Person Presentation

Genetic Diversity of the Endangered San Joaquin kit fox (Vulpes macrotis mutica) Relative to the Desert Kit Fox (Vulpes macrotis ssp.)

Katelyn Sanchez
Student Paper
In Person Presentation

Exploring the Interactions between Urban Wildlife, Ticks, and People in the San Gabriel Valley, California, USA

Caleb Sandoval
Student Paper
In Person Presentation

Wildfire and Wildlife in Conservation and Fire Planning

Fraser Shilling
In Person Presentation

State Wildlife Action Plan 2025 Update Planning to Support Conservation and Management of Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) in California in 2025-35

Christina Sloop
In Person Presentation

Hoary Bats and Wind Energy: Calculating Fatality Thresholds for Adaptive Management

Katrina Smith
In Person Presentation

The Impacts of Wildfire on Species Composition and Activity Patterns of Bats in Northern California

Amelia Tauber
Student Paper
In Person Presentation

Habitat Features Affecting the Occupancy of the Los Angeles Pocket Mouse (Perognathus longimembris brevinasus) in Western Riverside County, California

Nicole Tomes-Orlale
In Person Presentation

Challenges for Hawaiian Birds

Alex Wang
In Person Presentation

Fewer Campground Crumbs Reduce Jay Density but Not Raven Density

William Webb
In Person Presentation

The California Bumble Bee Atlas: Community Science to Support Native Pollinators

Dylan Winkler
In Person Presentation

Response of Mountain Lions to Dogs: Is There a Differential Displacement After Capture With Hounds Versus Box Traps?

Sierra Winter
Student Paper
In Person Presentation

The Effects of Native Perennial Cover on Avian Physiological Indicators of Habitat Quality in California Coastal Prairie Rangelands

Madeleine Ybarra
In Person Presentation

© 2025 The Western Section of The Wildlife Society